A bit late posting about this, but... BEHOLD, the amazing cover of A SONG OF LEGENDS LOST, Book 1 in my upcoming epic fantasy trilogy (published by Orbit Books UK in April 2025.) I will be forever thankful to artist Richard Anderson for creating such gorgeous artwork for my debut, and for truly capturing the spirit (lol, spirit, geddit?!) of the book.
Huge thanks also to cover designer Ben Prior, and to the wonderful Petrik Leo for launching the cover over on his website and YouTube channel. I am a longtime fan of Petrik's Goodreads reviews and he always has his finger on the pulse when it comes to epic fantasy books, so it was very exciting to be able to launch this cover with him.
Here are a few fun facts about the cover:
It takes inspiration from one of my favourite moments in the book, which occurs around 70% in.
The warrior in the foreground is a secondary character in A SONG OF LEGENDS LOST, but is of huge importance in Book 2.
The leaf-shaped swords are inspired by the Nigerian ida.
The glowing tataus on the warrior’s arms are Very Important.
I will never tire of looking at this cover. When I was a kid, I used to spend ages in our local W H Smiths studying all the fantasy book covers and daydreaming. Back then, if it had swords on it, I wanted it. It has been a very long road for me to get to this point, so to know that, decades later I have my very own sword-based epic fantasy book cover is just... so surreal, and so wonderful.
You can add A SONG OF LEGENDS LOST to Goodreads here. If you’re in the UK, you can preorder it at Waterstones, Blackwells, Bookshop.org, and Amazon. If you’re in the US, I should have news for you soon!